Stop Smoking with Hypnosis; How does it work?

Most people who smoke know that really they shouldn´t! There is so much information available telling us about the direct harmful effects that smoking has on our health, body and vital organs as well as the secondary effects that smoke can have on the ones around us and let´s not even talk about the cost. […]

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Dr S. Deshpande resident Ayurveda Doctor at Port Salvi

Dr Shirish Deshpande, you are the resident Ayurveda Doctor at Port Salvi Ayurveda centre, can you tell us about your background, experience and what brought you to Port Salvi? We are a team of ayurveda experts from Pune city in India and we rotate here at Port Salvi during their season from February through until […]

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Irene Dominguez nutritionist at El Palasiet about weight loss

Irene Dominguez, you are the in house nutritionist at Thalasso Hotel Termas Marinas El Palasiet and responsable for the weightloss programs. Can you give us some more information about your weightloss programs in combination with Thalasso therapy? The weightloss programs are the most thorough and complete programs that we offer. During their stay, clients become very […]

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