Mª Jose Moreno nutritionist at Los Monteros about weight loss

 Maria José, you are the resident nutritionist at Los Monteros, can you tell us about your background, experience and what brought you to Los Monteros? I am Maria Jose Moreno Navarro, I am a pharmacist, technologist in Food and specialist in nutrition. I started my professional career in Nutrition many years ago when I was […]

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Mesotherapy at Epic Sana Algarve Hotel

Joanna Reeves journalist for National Geographic Traveller visited the Epic Sana Hotel***** in the Algarve, Portugal and joined the Ultimate Reshape Program. Read all about her experience and what Transdermal Mesotherapy is, here: “Will this hurt?” I ask, my voice muffled by the therapy couch. “It may tingle a little, but it won’t be painful,” Cláudia, […]

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BEAT THE WINTER BLUES the 10 best tips to stay happy all season!

In the middle of the winter with low temperatures, grey skies and short days, many people find themselves feeling sad. If you’re feeling like nothing but a very full, very strong pot of coffee will get you out of bed, join the club. The “winter blues” are characterized by the mild depression, lack of motivation, […]

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